Welding Technology Trainings
Freelance lecturing in welding and testing technology
Career development opportunities, challenging tasks and the supervisors interest in the further education of their employees, have been proven to promote the staff’s commitment and their learning motivation. We conduct in-house trainings for your employees involved in the process. In the scope of welding technology and/or testing technology you can rely on our expertise.
Trainings in the branches of welding and testing technology
Employee Qualification
Our aim is to optimize processes and reduce rejects.
It is an essential part of our philosophy to not only “pick up” our customers, but also all those directly engaged in the process. The consistent communication at eye level between all participants, turns the optimization into their personal interest and thus trains them in a sustainable manner. The process trainings provided as part of the
welding optimization are free of charge.
We strive to depart your company in the certainty, that the implemented changes will be of lasting benefit to your company, your employees and your customers.
Freelance Lecturing
Due to the training and certification of level 2, we, as NDT examiners in the areas of VT, PT, MT and UT, are also eligible for teaching in training centers as freelance lecturer.
If interested, we look forward to your inquiry.
Process Technology Trainings
The need for training is manifold: high rejection rates, requirements by certification systems, inferior quality or high downtimes.
Specify your motives and we will develop a customized training for you.
Tailored to your problem, your products and your processes.
Welder Examinations
We provide in-house training for your employees and, in cooperation with accredited authorities, issue legally valid welder examination certificates according to EN ISO 9606-1 / EN ISO 9606-2 / EN 1418, which are specifically tailored to the particular manufacturing process and your company’s demands, and also actively consider the needs of your customers.
Additional Services